Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 20 I week of pregnancy. 1 time there were fights Brekston...

29.06.2004, 10:08
Hello! At me 20 I week of pregnancy. 1 time there were fights Brekstona-Giksa. And now the uterus is in a tonus. My doctor has registered to me noshpu 2 times a day. But I think, what is it does not help or assist. Can you will advise me something.
And more US has shown, that my child in the sizes is more than average on this term gde-that days on 6. Whether It is possible to tell or say already, what the child it will be possible or probable large?

Ryazanov And.
30.06.2004, 22:47
Anna, in absentia treatment is not appointed or nominated. Can accept No-shpu on 1 t 3 times a day, and also suppositories with a papaverine for the night. It will be possible or probable your child more than an average, but it does not mean, that you will have difficulties in sorts or labors.