Просмотр полной версии : Have diagnosed - I can not understand

29.06.2004, 14:08
Was at the gynecologist owing to vydeleny and a smell. Have taken analyses and have diagnosed - dizbakterioz. And a virus papiloma the person. That for nonsense have explained abstractly. In an Internet has found the information about any otrastanijah, but it seems to me them is not present. At least externally.
From dizbakterioza have registered terzhinan. Has not helped or assisted. From VPCH have allowed a direction to buy in any center medicines (TYPE are on sale ONLY THERE). Have taken from an intestine the analysis - dizbakterioz and a thrush. Now after terzhinana an itch, a burning sensation, a pain at the sexual certificate or act, practically pink allocation (monthly in 2 days) - a thrush? Vobshchem I have got confused.
Longly I search for the good doctor in Moscow. Before giving birth or travailling I wish to be observed at the same doctors. Who can will advise. (the attitude or relation of the doctor to the patient) is important

29.06.2004, 23:29
Certainly Maria Maljarskaja:)))
Read responses on the Internet about her. By the way, turn on style a little as answers questions. About her speaks much. Srovnite then with a site www.03.ru/gynecology there that voobshe... The Doctor to itself arranges an anti-advertising. Success.

30.06.2004, 12:32
Maria. Take me to itself the patient. I wish to be healthy. I hope for the answer and cooperation.

30.06.2004, 14:41
And what cost of consultations and analyses?
I too would like to get to this doctor, but I do not know, whether I can allow myself it..

30.06.2004, 17:44
Write to me on a mail, I shall tell all of you about reception. On my site there is clause or article both about a thrush and about the Virus of a papilloma. Look or see and write. Not all so is terrible