Просмотр полной версии : The last month prishlost 2 times to accept postinor, monthly have attacked 5...

29.06.2004, 00:47
The last month prishlost 2 times to accept postinor, monthly have attacked 5 days later, this month it was protected by condoms, postinor did not accept, and a delay a week. Earlier all was regular. Whether could provoke disturbances postinor, or it is time to buy the test for pregnancy?

Soboleva L.I.
30.06.2004, 16:13
The dear Lena! postinor disturbances of a menstrual cycle, so most likely the problem in it or this often causes. However, pregnancy to exclude it is impossible, therefore address to the doctor and make US. The test for pregnancy is not always effective on early terms.