Просмотр полной версии : Boris Aleksandrovich! Very much I ask you to comment on the conclusion rentgeno...

The anonym
29.06.2004, 23:15
Boris Aleksandrovich!
Very much I ask you to comment on the conclusion of the roentgenogram from March 2000.
On gisterosalpinogrammah (v/it is uterine urograorin 40, 0). The cavity of a body of the womb located in right materootklonenii, the normal size, is blacked homogeneously out, with precise contours. The right uterine pipe is tightened up, considerably izvitaja, kontrasmirovanna up to an ampullar department. The left uterine pipe is extended, its or her ampullar department expanded, izvitoj. Near to the left pipe the clump konrastnogo veshchenstva in closed, is possible or probable solderings, an abdominal cavity. In pereshechnoj areas - a microfistula.
The conclusion: considering the analysis, clinic - an obstruction of uterine pipes (at the left - a partial obstruction) it is possible or probable due to adherent or adhesive process in an abdominal cavity.
Thus presence trihomonov, a cytomegalovirus and a bacterial vaginosis has been revealed. In the winter 2000 has addressed in the center of planning of family and a reproduction, where me vylichili from trihomonov. The rest - visible remains (yet has not handed over the analysis, but feeling such). about. Constantly since winter 2000 I am flied or treated. Only here neznaju what further to do or make, a sexual life the doctor to live has forbidden up to laporoskopii. When she too it will be not known. Can to me it is necessary to try or taste natural by and to not wait for this opreatsii. She can to me at all will help or assist and it is necessary EKO. And whether could become completely impassable for this time of a pipe. Besides for today at me attributes of an endometriosis (US has shown in doubt). I to tell the truth in despair, the doctor plainly explain nothing to me. Prompt what to do or make.

Kamenetskij B.A.
30.06.2004, 14:15
Most likely the reason of sterility or barrenness really is trubno-the peritoneal factor and in this situation there are two ways: 1. Specification of the diagnosis and a possible or probable reconstructive intervention during carrying out of a laparoscopy; 2. EKO As if to an interdiction of a sexual life the doctor is guided first of all by an opportunity of offensive or approach of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis, however I dare to assure you, as after carrying out of a laparoscopy nobody can guarantee to you, that the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis will not come or step.