Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, whether reception novineta could (accepted the first mts) to cause or call or...

The anonym
27.06.2004, 13:56
Tell or Say please, whether reception novineta could (accepted the first mts) to cause or call or sprovatsirovat a gastritis? And more, whether contraceptive action novinet if I shall accept Almagel Neo will decrease? Thanks for the answer

The anonym
28.06.2004, 18:41
Good question, too would like to know on it or him the answer!!! I here had a gastritis, I accepted 2 cycles Logest. We look forward to hearing

Soboleva L.I.
30.06.2004, 09:34
In itself oral contraceptives do not cause or cause a gastritis, basically could provoke an exacerbation. Try to accept a preparation after meal. As to a preparation Almagelum he will not lower action of contraceptives.