Просмотр полной версии : Forgive or Excuse, but I asked you about pains during a menses, which not p...

30.06.2004, 05:33
Forgive or Excuse, but I asked you about pains during a menses which have not stopped after operation during which the endometriosis of a peritoneum has been found out. You have responded me, that pains can be iz-for the latent internal endometriosis of a uterus. But unless during its or his operation could not notice? Also what to me now to do or make?
And more the question, whether can affect or influence shift of a uterus an opportunity zaberemennet? Thanks.

Oshchepkova S.R.
30.06.2004, 09:34
1. Pains can be connected as well with adherent or adhesive process in a small basin. Hormonal treatment then the chance to get rid of pains (if they are connected with an endometriosis) sharply increases is necessary for you. 2. It is improbable.