Просмотр полной версии : I wish to start to drink Marvenol. Whether it is harmful and through how much dnej-months posl...

Vick, 19
24.06.2004, 14:27
I wish to start to drink Marvenol. Whether it is harmful and through how much dnej-months after the termination or discontinuance of reception it is possible to conceive the healthy child. Whether has value or meaning;importance, that one week ago I drank postinor (1 time - urgently).

The anonym
25.06.2004, 17:59
Konecno lucshe ne ispolzovat OK, no strashnogo v etom nicego net. Edinstvennaja problema, kotoraja voznikaet posle prekrashenija eto nereguljarnye mesjacnye, no ne bolee. A do zacatija rebjenka zelatelno prekratit prijem gde-to za 2 3 mesjaca.

The anonym
26.06.2004, 03:58
Konecno lucshe ne ispolzovat OK, no strashnogo v etom nicego net. Edinstvennaja problema, kotoraja voznikaet posle prekrashenija eto nereguljarnye mesjacnye, no ne bolee. A do zacatija rebjenka zelatelno prekratit prijem gde-to za 2 3 mesjaca.

The anonym
26.06.2004, 16:40
Delirium any! OK - the advanced and reliable method of contraception. Only it is better mersilon.

Vick, 19
28.06.2004, 04:21
And my doctor has told or said, that mersilon is more harmful!? What will be, if zaberemennet right after the terminations or discontinuances of reception?

The anonym
29.06.2004, 02:17
Da eto samyi nadjeznyi metod, no posle prekrashenija priema KOK, bolshinstvo zenshin stradajut libo disfunkciei libo giperfunkciei jaicnikov!

Pasenjuk A.M.
30.06.2004, 07:27
It is not harmful, it is better OK, than postinor, but zhelateln to stop reception OK 2 3 months prior to desirable conception