Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, if I go to bed very much late (in 2 3 one o'clock in the morning)...

25.06.2004, 23:28
Prompt, please, if I go to bed very much late (in 2 3 one o'clock in the morning), I rise too late, I sleep not less than 10 12 hours per day, whether it will be reflected in the future in habits of the child? Pregnancy of 14 weeks. Thanks.

The anonym
26.06.2004, 05:50
That for delirium!!!???

27.06.2004, 02:39
At me the girlfriend too went to bed after 12 nights but also rose late, t. e. Got enough sleep. And so to the child 3.5 years, and before 11 evenings to sleep in any way does not want.... She speaks what is it still anything... Earlier and up to an hour could not fall asleep.

28.06.2004, 07:13
At me almost same situation: I a strongly pronounced owl and pregnancy have not affected or influenced it in any way. My doctor speaks, that in it or this is not present no trouble: the rhythm of a dream and wakefulness of the kid does not depend on that sleeps or its or his mum is awake. He is defined or determined with change of day and night only after a birth.

Pasenjuk A.M.
29.06.2004, 16:28
Not iskljuchenro, that the child too will inherit your regimen of day, but also it is not obligatory