Просмотр полной версии : The answer dr. Smirnovu D. on the letter from April, 02nd 2004 07 : 35 : 48 I have turned...

28.06.2004, 00:59
The answer dr. Smirnovu D. on the letter from April, 02nd 2004 07 : 35 : 48
I have addressed to the gynecologist in occasion of krovjanistyh vydeleny in the middle of a cycle (in days of an ovulation), at survey she has taken a material on research. Has removed spiral Mirena for 13 day of a cycle. Visually any changes shejki uteruses it is not observed. On US (15 day of a cycle) - a myoma of 1 sm, a thickening endometrija (presumably a polyp) in one place, an oothecoma (presumably functional), in shejke a uterus on US the gynecologist does not see changes. The gynecologist has told or said, that the inflammation is possible or probable and consequently has appointed or nominated Flagyl. After 10 day time courses has told or said once again it will be necessary to make the cytologic research and if results will be same - that diagnostic currettage. Pap-the test speaks about pathological process in shejke uteruses or a polyp in a uterus or a cyst too can give such result? Whether spiral Mirena stood 4, 5 to provoke such results pap-of the test or dough could? Whether do or make a computer tomography at a pathology shejki uteruses, polyps, myomas, cysts? In advance thanks!

Smirnov D.R.
29.06.2004, 16:14
DADDIES the test is only the cytologic research of a material. This is called so on behalf of Pappanikolau, djadka usovershenstvoal propis for painting the cytologic smears of female sexual sphere, has developed explanatory or sensible classification of an estimation of these smears. 2 t about this test, and any another speaks about process of any localization, in dependence the material, though from a liver whence has been taken. 3 KT do or make at a pathology of female sexual sphere, but depending on indications. 4 in your case it is necessary to be defined or determined what at you a variant of a smear 3 or 4.