Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, what quantity or amount of a semen is necessary to become pregnant...

20.06.2004, 21:43
Tell or Say, please, what quantity or amount of a semen is necessary to become pregnant? Whether can spermotozojdy pass or take place such long way, how from a vagina up to a uterus?

Whether tell or say, please, if there is a bend of a uterus nazad-very much it terribly? How to be? Pregnancy will be? Thanks. (respond, please, to all questions) once again thanks.

24.06.2004, 02:12
1. Honey. The literature writes, that is necessary not less than 1 ml semens, but the life shows, as it is much less enough:)) 2. spermatozojdy always pass or take place a way which you describe. 3. The bend not terribly, this phenomenon often meets. Besides: in honey. To the literature pishut, that at a bend pregnancy comes less often, than at the usual form. But very much many learn or find out about a bend of the uterus ALREADY being pregnant women and being surveyed on US.

26.06.2004, 10:52
Young ladies, and it not seems to you, what business not in quantity or amount of a semen, and in its or her quality? Think spermagramma for what it is done or made? If it is a lot of semen, and activity spermatozojdov is low, though litre pour in to sense any. And, the literature writes, that this way "not seems" to spermatozoons long, some of them in some seconds after the sexual certificate or act are worn about a uterus. So, that the question is not so correct. Katya, time at you is the Internet, pokapajtes in it will clear your question on that how, when and that is necessary to become pregnant. You to give birth or travail to the child be going to, well it is impossible to be so ignorant. Do not take offence. Rummage in the literature.

29.06.2004, 03:20
"Bend" of a uterus is a variant of norm or rate. For ber-ti enough one ejaculation. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.