Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me have put diagnoz-polycystic ovaries, on given mo...

26.06.2004, 19:08
Hello! At me have put diagnoz-polycystic ovaries, at present at me is not present monthly, milk from a breast is allocated at pressing, but survey of the doctor, the test and US of pregnancy do not show, the doctor has appointed or nominated survey of the endocrinologist, the analysis of a blood to Prolactinum and djufaston after all it or this, but to me it is terrible while in inactivity though all life monthly were irregular, to a daughter 2. 11 months What to do or make now, in fact the breast disturbs also a bottom of a stomach or belly too, how at ber-ti???

Malanova T.B.
28.06.2004, 22:35
Anything emergency at you is not present. If you are afraid of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. That US should be repeated in 3 4 days, to make the analysis of a blood on V-HG.