Просмотр полной версии : All huge greetings! I write the first time. To me of 28 years. I want the child. Married...

11.06.2004, 15:21
All huge greetings!
I write the first time. To me of 28 years. I want the child. Married. Has started to measure temperature. The heat beat for 4 day after monthly. Then recession. So when it is possible zaberemennet or this all is inexact, Help or Assist with the answer.

14.06.2004, 17:04
Olja, it is very important to measure BT correctly, since morning and not rising with beds, every day during even 2 h months to understand, when at you an ovulation. And more, I read, that when the woman tests an orgasm - the ootid receives a signal and ripens can before usual much more quickly then and become pregnant you. Therefore do not excruciate itself better, live a high-grade life. And pregnancy will come or step in due time. Your desire is the main thing.

16.06.2004, 22:17
Katya, thanks you big for the answer. And if I edgewise stand up a little, whether speaks it about that that I incorrectly measure BT? Or it is necessary to lay and to not rise at all. And the standard eats for days of a fertilization

19.06.2004, 00:44
Yes anything srashnogo, simply try to not begin an active way of life. Have woken up - pomerjali. The matter is that on one month the schedule do not build, it is necessary to see periodicity. You 2 months measure, and it will be then easier to analyze. Days of an ovulation approximately get for 14 16 days (at 28 day time cycle) from the beginning of a cycle. Can while these days to try to become pregnant. Success!

21.06.2004, 11:05
At me the cycle lasts 24 days. It is stable.
As to me then the nobility put ovulations.
Thanks Katya for support.

24.06.2004, 15:25
I advise to look or see http: // www. wantbaby. ru/library/books/toni_weschler/-there very detailed information on correctness of conducting schedules of basal temperature.

27.06.2004, 22:04
For specification can get also in a drugstore the test for an ovulation, he is very similar to the test for pregnancy. It will increase probability more precisely to learn or find out favorable days. Success:)

28.06.2004, 17:22
Here it is possible to find about the best days for conception: http: // www. ma-ma. ru/service. php/calc_ov/m7m0