Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, look or see plz, at me here such results of the analysis at hormones: (mn...

28.06.2004, 04:48
The doctor, look or see plz, at me here such results of the analysis at hormones: (me 19, are made for 8 day of a cycle) Prolactinum 356, 9 (norm or rate 67 726 chalk), Testosteron-Depotum 1, 8 (norm or rate less than 5, 0 nmol/), LG 0, 59 (norm or rate foll. f. 0, 5 12, 8; ljut. f. 0, 66 5, 8; menopouza 8 40; peak of an ovulation 15 60 mked/), FSG 4, 5 (norm or rate foll. f. 1, 8 10, 5; ljut. f. 1.0 8; menopouza> 20; peak of an ovulation 4, 5 18 mked/, DEA-Zinci sulfas 219, 4 (norm or rate 35.0 440 ng/100 ml)

You can advise concrete protovozachatochnye tablets (ok)?

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.06.2004, 14:20
I would recommend three-phase contraceptives - three mersi, three regol