Просмотр полной версии : Whether reception of "Dexamethazonum" can (in connection with positive VA) to provoke...

28.06.2004, 03:07
Whether reception of "Dexamethazonum" can (in connection with positive VA) to provoke a sharp set of weight (for 15 days - 5 kg). The Daily dose - 1/2 tab. (0, 25 mg). Other attributes gestoza are not present (pressure 120/80, fiber in urine is absent). Prior to the beginning of therapy by "Dexamethazonum" the set of weight was in norm or rate, a delivery moderated or moderate, 3 weeks am flied or treated. A duration of gestation of 22 23 weeks. US (20 21 ned.) - a hypertonus. All rest in norm or rate. Whether to continue to accept "Dexamethazonum" or has put here not in itself? What course of treatment by this preparation in my case? Whether it is necessary to do or make repetition of the analysis on VA and through what time? In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.06.2004, 14:18
No, reception of Dexamethazonum could not provoke such increase in weight. It is necessary to exclude gestoz and edemas or an acute hydramnion.
You need to accept Dexamethazonum up to the repeated analysis on VA (not less than in a month from the beginning of treatment), at negative VA it is possible to reduce gradually a dose and to cancel a preparation.