Просмотр полной версии : Girls, to us 31 week; at vstavanii the coccyx hurts. Very much. What to do or make? Or...

16.06.2004, 10:08
Girls, to us 31 week; at vstavanii the coccyx hurts. Very much. What to do or make? Or to suffer or bear up to the extremity or end?:)

19.06.2004, 15:50
Good afternoon! To us of only 17 more weeks, but too the coccyx sometimes hurts. The husband consulted yesterday at ostoapata as it has appeared, this quite natural phenomenon - there are changes in pelvic bones. Certainly, all individually and in each concrete case is necessary to consult to the doctor, but I pass you the answer of the doctor to my situation as it seemed to me similar to yours. I wish you and the kid of health and success!

23.06.2004, 05:22
At me 14 weeks, the coccyx hurts God forbid as, oochen is strong, it from for that that bones miss

26.06.2004, 20:20
Girls. At me the same problem. The doctor has told or said. That haunch bones miss. Has recommended to sleep edgewise. Because perevorachivanie delivers too many inconveniences (it is very softly told or said:)) so suffer! The coccyx hurts me from 13 weeks and to this day (34 weeks)! So success to you and yours malyshatam!

28.06.2004, 06:31
Thanks for answers!!! We shall suffer or bear:) In fact is for the sake of whom:)