Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At present I pass or I take place treatment of an endometriosis a preparation...

23.06.2004, 08:51
Hello, the doctor! At present I pass or I take place treatment of an endometriosis by preparation Zoladeks. Respond, please, how much should pass or take place time after introduction of last injection to conceive the HEALTHY child.

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.06.2004, 15:47
Pregnancy can come or step only after a cancelling of a preparation. Teratogennyh effects (rendering sledovoe influence on posterity) at this preparation is not described.

Irina Vinogradova
25.06.2004, 06:23
Irina, I wish to tell about preparations natural a parentage which will help or assist to conceive the Healthy child
Ph. (095) 513 08 33
irinavin@mtu-net. ru

26.06.2004, 19:47
I have become pregnant in half a year after the beginning of a menses and beremennsto have stood on 7 weeks. Doctors speak, that one of the reasons is that was not in time vostanovitsja a hormonal background.

28.06.2004, 04:25
irina has read through about you and I ask to help or assist advice or council about * irinasuris37@ru
