Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At my girl all attributes beremenosti: a delay of 8 days, tes...

19.06.2004, 22:22
Hello. At my girl all attributes beremenosti: a delay of 8 days, the test positive. To her of 18 years. Tell or say pozhalusta, whether it is possible to interrupt beremenos without abortion, t. e. kakimnibud a preparation? Prompt pozhalusta the name.
And esl there is no such preparation, tell or say it is possible mi to do or make abortion at its or her age and when it is necessary to do or make it or him? About conception was 18 days ago. We very much experience, as are still not ready to become parents. Many thanks for the answer.

20.06.2004, 06:09
Vladimir to you is better to address to the doctor, t. To. On this site are pregnant and which want the child, and to you I would advise to be protected to not think of abortion. Abortion at any age is very dangerous!!!

22.06.2004, 02:28
It is desirable to make mini abortion, but it is possible also pharmacological. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

24.06.2004, 15:00
Vladimir, be not too lazy to read through answers to similar questions the last days (weeks), they pereodicheski arise. If you not the enemy to the girl, not in which case do not go on mediamentoznyj abortion, it seems to you, what has drunk a tablet, and has for tomorrow woken up not pregnant? You severely are mistaken 1) has drunk a tablet and process passes or takes place you (I shall express clearly) korjachit from a wild pain some days 2) in the form of a bleeding 3) in most cases percent or interests etak in 90 % after the given procedure usual abortion, differently a currettage do or make. 4) consequences from this kind of abortion more than sad, chances in budujushchem to become mother considerably below what if at once to make abortion a currettage in the good center and at the good doctor. So-called consequences after abortion are terrible, someone can to make also ten them (conditionally) and to become pregnant, and someone and after one never will become pregnant. As to the woman transferred or carried abortion, is much more complex or difficult to bear or take out the child, she gets in group of risk so as you can see a problem not only to become pregnant but also bear or become pregnant but also take out arises. Abortion especially in the first pregnancy it is not desirable to do or make extremely (the risk of increases besides or is besides enlarged that is written above). Certainly it would be desirable to tell or say to you, that parents you not to become ready, SO WHAT have not saved the girl, we not in the Stone Age, I exist tablets which are quite admissible (I drank contraceptive from its or her age), well not speaking about mass of other ways of preservation... But we shall not go deep into boreness, always is though 1 % of accident. If all of you taki carefully all having considered decide pregnancy to interrupt (having accepted in attention, that the given fact remains with the girl for all life, and morally it will strongly knock down it or her, even if now she easy to concern to an abortion) that do or make usual abortion, and after follow a policy of physiotherapeutic procedures (their affairs. The center of obstetrics and gynecology street Ak. Oparina), spend on drink antibiotics that the doctor will write out, all this will cost not cheaply BUT so you hotjaby will do the utmost to lower risks.

The anonym
25.06.2004, 05:08
Trouble evromedprestizha, that the doctor does not try to tell the TRUTH about abortions at all... All so is simple, any problem-pay money. And in fact behind questions human lives.

28.06.2004, 00:13
And I wish to take an interest at the young man: he is assured or confident, what the girl wants abortion basically instead of because HE does not want the child? And she is afraid to spoil attitudes or relations with it or him??? In fact all consequences - moral and physical - will lay down on one it or her... And more: " muzhiks, including even married, it not an occasion are not ready to be parents " practically all. Not a secret, that to the child daddy feels love and attachment already during the cultivation of the child.