Просмотр полной версии : What to do or make, 30 week of pregnancy, but a lot of colostrum began to be allocated. Prja...

25.06.2004, 06:34
What to do or make, 30 week of pregnancy, but a lot of colostrum began to be allocated. Directly to proceed became. As it is correct itself a message in such situation, than to process a breast. And cannot be at all, that milk will start to go ahead of time. Also that such plenty of a colostrum means.

26.06.2004, 08:37
It is very good, "milk or dairy" you mean mum will be. Ahead of time milk will not come, do not worry.

27.06.2004, 14:09
At me the colostrum has appeared on 20 oh to week... It was necessary to dress for the night lifchik and to thrust in it or him linings. Now at me 34 weeks and vydeleny from a breast are few. I think, that can then was nervous or iz-for a climate (we went to have a rest with the husband) more. In any case in this phenomenon is not present no trouble. But I do not think, that milk depends on it or this how much will be at you after sorts or labors... At one my girlfriend there was a same situation, she was och. "Milk or dairy" during pregnancy, and after sorts or labors has not supported also month. There will be you "milk or dairy" mum or not depends only on how you will strongly wish to nurse the baby. I wish good luck!:)