Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, unfortunately you have passed or missed my question, and you is very necessary to me to...

26.06.2004, 07:10
Good afternoon, unfortunately you have passed or missed my question, and your consultation is very necessary to me. Gde-that in the first of May at me there will come or step critical days. But they get not too conveniently, t. To. In the beginning of May at me business trip (and monthly always pass or take place very morbidly), the following monthly get for the thirtieth anniversary of my husband, that too very much it is not convenient. About two years ago used tablets "mersilon" in the instruction it has been written as it is possible to delay offensive or approach of a menses or to pass or miss odnu-to accept the next packing tablets without interruption. Everywhere it is written as CORRECTLY to accept tablets. Prompt, if I shall begin reception of tablets for a week prior to the beginning of a menses: - whether there will be a result (delay); - whether not too it is harmful to an organism, presumable complications? With impatience I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply Yours faithfully, Tatyana

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.06.2004, 11:42
Tatyana, excuse, there were problems with communication or connection - did not pass or take place the report. You cannot delay a menses thus, it can be made only by means of orgametrila now, but zhelaetlno that before it or this you were looked or seen by the doctor - whether there are no contraindications to reception.