Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Help or assist advice or council, please. Here 4 months I bezusp...

22.06.2004, 03:26
The dear doctor! Help or assist advice or council, please.
Here 4 months I unsuccessfully try to become pregnant. To me 36, behind brachiums experience of two beremennostej which came at once (the truth, I then was much younger). 4 m-tsa back I have removed a spiral (after 7 years) in hope to become pregnant repeatedly. It does not turn out yet. The doctor speaks, what is it still not term and that it is necessary to wait year before something to undertake. But me is insulting to wait year, and then only to start to search for the reason, treatment if it is required... The Age works against me. It would not be desirable to sit and wait, when I could check up something already now. But what first of all? What are possible or probable the reasons?
State of health and the general or common analyses which I have handed over before decision-making on the child, - in norm or rate. What to me to do or make? Thanks you in advance.

23.06.2004, 01:58
The doctor of the rights. In your situation it is necessary to try to relax, to not wait every month for result (and then to sob at one stria on the test or dough;father-in-law) and... To become pregnant. Successes!

24.06.2004, 06:43
Thanks for the response and wish of success! But in my situation a question not in that " to sob... " Or not " to sob... ", and in, whether I waste time and whether it is not necessary to check up something, that offensive or approach of pregnancy, perhaps, "brakes".

25.06.2004, 11:56
Dear Alisa! It seems to Me, you need to address internally to experts. Is better, if you live in Moscow, in the center of obstetrics and perinatologii http: // www. pregnancy. ru, the some to my girlfriends whom some years could not become pregnant, it was possible after grammotnogo inspections and treatments. But actually, 4 months are not so much, and it is good, that you have not become pregnant right after excisions of a spiral, allow an organism to be reconstructed. I wish good luck!

27.06.2004, 04:16
Thanks, Natasha! Your advice or council has calmed me! Perhaps, I still more a few, and there it will be visible.