Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. To my wife have registered Cinnarizinum (tablets) and Zinci sulfas...

The novel
23.06.2004, 14:12
Hello, the doctor.
To my wife have registered Cinnarizinum (tablets) and Zinci sulfas of a magnesium (have told or said to put nyxes). The presumable diagnosis (have directed on LMR) - a syndrome intracranial giperpenzii (like so.. Doctors not clearly in a card have written) not clearly what (simply the doctor has written.. As the chicken a paw... But it is most of all similar on "nelnpo") a genesis.
Esteemed descriptions about Cinnarizinum and Zinci sulfas of a magnesium - very much it was not pleasant to me, that it is a lot of contraindications and by-effects. Especially in occasion of pressure and t. Item
As the diagnosis still not final, and medicines have already appointed or nominated and have sent in procedural on nyxes. Have decided to not accept yet a tablet, and to not go on nyxes (up to LMR).

Originally the reference or manipulation was to the gynecologist as since November, 26th at the wife till now is not present monthly. After survey and analyses the gynecologist has told or said, that all is normal by its or his part, and has sent on reception to the neuropathologist and the endocrinologist. The endocrinologist tak-by results of survey and new analyses has told or said, that by its or his part all by way of. Probably, any problems what the brain does not send signals about the beginning monthly to female organs?

Advise pozhalkujsta - what to do or make?

Kuharkin S.A.
24.06.2004, 04:23
To look or see Prolactinum and Gonadotropinum on a background otsutvija monthly. Then after the beginning monthly. Also will address to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist.

The novel
27.06.2004, 01:47
We also are glad to look or see Prolactinum and gonadropin.. After the beginning monthly... But as I have written - they are not present Since NOVEMBER, 26TH!..
: (