Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Savchenko! At me the diagnosis " zhelezisto-cystic giperplazi...

26.06.2004, 22:02
Dear doctor Savchenko!
Whether at me the diagnosis " zhelezisto-a cystic hyperplasia endometrija " to me was registered with hormones and at me very much silinye the pain can do or make operation and whether necessarily it or her to do or make in onkodispansere, iz-for excess weight me do not take on opretsiju in local onkodispanser, prompt what to do or make and is concrete where to address?
Yours faithfully to Vam Olga.

Savchenko A.A.
26.06.2004, 23:52
In itself zhelezisto-the cystic hyperplasia is not the absolute indication for operation. Indications for operation arise at: a relapsing hyperplasia, transition in atipicheskuju a hyperplasia, presence of bleedings, an endometriosis, a hysteromyoma... If you have indications for operation and it is a question solved such operation can be executed in any gynecologic hospital. Necessity of operation in oncologic ucherezhdenii arises at suspicion on presence of a cancer. If your doctor considers or counts, that you need to be operated in an oncologic hospital that he will direct you with OKD on Baumanskoj or to another onkoginekologicheskoe unit on district (. 57, 62, 40, 1). You can as to address in oncologic institutes (ONTS, in. Herzen)