Просмотр полной версии : Hello, at me 2 group of a blood with a negative rhesus. And at me 2 vop...

23.06.2004, 04:20
Hello, at me 2 group of a blood with a negative rhesus. And at me 2 questions:
1. Friends speak, that in this situation it is difficult to woman to become pregnant and I need to search for the man with otrits. Group of a blood. Or during pregnancy I will have every possible problems with a fetus. What your answer?
2. At my mum - 4 (+), and at the father 1 (-). At me 2 (-), it is possible or probable?
In advance thanks.

Inna, 29 years
24.06.2004, 06:50
First I shall answer the first question. At me a negative rhesus and 1 group of a blood. An opportunity to become pregnant it absolutely does not influence in any way if, certainly, you do not have any other problems. I here now on 15 j to week of pregnancy also have become pregnant at once as soon as to itself has laid down this aim. At the husband 2 I group of a blood and a rhesus positive. Theoretically with such raskladom problems can already arise during the pregnancy if your child will inherit not your negative rhesus, and positive at the husband. And that - as to me have explained in female consultation, at the FIRST pregnancy rezus-the conflict practically never happens. If happens - now with it or this successfully struggle. And here at each subsequent pregnancy the risk rezus-the conflict sharply increases, t. To. At the woman in a blood certain antibodies collect. So your problem or task - that your first pregnancy was for you desired. Abortions are harmful to everything, and at a negative rhesus danger turns out double.
In occasion of the second question - I many times read, that the child necessarily inherits group of a blood of one of parents. Differently - it is not clear, whence at you the second group could undertake. It is necessary or specify groups of a blood yours and parents, or, probably, the science has any new data on this question.

25.06.2004, 19:29
The second question. At me the child was born with 1 negative, though at me 2 (-), at the husband 2 (+). Even in a maternity home have told or said, what is it normally. That to worry?

26.06.2004, 19:25
At me III (RH-), at mum I (RH +), at the daddy III (RH +), at station of a hemotransfusion have told or said, that except for groups is also subgroups, and have told or said, that such is possible or probable (I on 100 % the native daughter). And husband I (RH +), and the first-born was positive, now I wait for the second, I hope, again without problems! Before conception with the husband consultation genetics is necessary for you.