Просмотр полной версии : Very much. Very urgently and important!!!! The doctor, please, the answer as it is possible bys...

24.06.2004, 04:10
Very much. Very urgently and important!!!!
The doctor, please, the answer as soon as possible,
On April, 25th there was an abortion and cleaning, then in current of month spent antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory and strengthening therapy, the menses (5 6 days) on May, 27th has come. After it or her there were sexual contacts and two times (I am sorry for such details, but..) condoms were torn, I at once was washed away.
Usually if the menses was 27 numbers following comes 28. Today 29. I feel not a sharp pain from the right party or side, at last visit of the gynecologist, she has found out a certain viscosity in the right ovary, has told or said, that a chronic inflammation. I very much am afraid, an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. Has made the test, one stria precise, the second not precise, but it is visible. Whether tell or say it is possible deleting pipes, to clean or remove an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis.
That to me to do or make.?????????????????????

24.06.2004, 20:31
How what to do or make? Bezhal in female consultation and to do or make US (the transvaginal gauge). Is laparoskopichesky a method of excision of a fetal egg from a pipe, with conservation of a pipe, but the diagnosis of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis should be put in as much as possible early terms (therefore necessarily make US)

Pasenjuk A.M.
25.06.2004, 13:29
To make US, to specify presence beermennosti, at extrauterine urgently to lay down on laparoskopicheskuju operation - probably conservation of a uterine pipe.

26.06.2004, 16:13
To me 34. In June of the last year there was not developing pregnancy. Has made hormonal analyses - norm or rate, ZPPP are not found out. It was protected novinetom. Has stopped to accept in konetse May 2001. Last monthly on May, 25th.. at a cycle 28 dnej-a delay more than 10 days, a breast morbid. But tests have (twice given negative result. 04.07. Have begun monthly which do not differ from norm or rate. But the breast on former is strained and morbid. Than it is possible to explain it? Whether pregnancy is possible or probable in my case?