Просмотр полной версии : Dear ALLA MIHAJLOVNA! Your advice or council is very necessary! To me of 40 years. I am pregnant...

25.06.2004, 07:06
Your advice or council is very necessary!
To me of 40 years. I am pregnant. Term 3 months. Previous pregnancy came to an end with abortions. There has been passed or there has been taken place a course of a hormonetherapy. After that there has come or stepped pregnancy (present). The analysis has shown a high hemoglobin - 162. It disturbs me. What does it mean? Whether it is necessary to struggle with it or this? And how?

26.06.2004, 15:59
povushennui hemoglobin - sledstvie obezvozhivznia ilil kurenia, ili zabolevania legkih, ili variant normu - prichin mnogo i sam po sebe ne opasen. Bolshinstvo vukidushei na rannih srokah obuslovlenno geneticheskimi otkloneniami ploda. Na pozdnih srokah - mnogo prichin - infekcia, rasslablenie sheiki matki, ottorzhenie placenty - etc... Tak kak vam 40 let - neploho bu sdelat ultrazvuk i amniocentes i iskluchit geneticheskie otklonenia.