Просмотр полной версии : At me 6 weeks of pregnancy. In the Internet read much about physical uprazhneni...

19.06.2004, 16:24
At me 6 weeks of pregnancy. In the Internet read much about physical exercises for pregnant women. Gde-that them advise, gde-that is not present. Read, that the first trimester is dangerous to exercises, it is impossible to jump, do or make exercises on a stomach or belly and extension. I go on akvaaerobiku (to group not for pregnant women), t. To. In our city in general there are no groups for pregnant women on akvaaerobike, and to sit at home during this period I I not do not want, in fact the patient, I wish to be in the form of and to be engaged in myself even during pregnancy. Whether prompt correctly I do or make, or not? For me this load not strong, on comparison with that what was on taj-bo (went 8 months up to pregnancy). Even jumps as it seems to me in akvaaerobike and in aerobics on a land to not compare, they smoother and tightened or delayed iz-for resistance of water, as also other exercises. Employment or occupations like, I feel after employment or occupations of well, nothing hurts. At the gynecologist, at a cat. I cost or stand on the account about employment or occupations did not ask, t. To. She the doctor of old training (I have already collided or faced with it or this on some other questions). What will tell or say? I in doubts? Whether I can do much harm to a small germ at me in a stomach or belly?

19.06.2004, 23:30
I do not know, how about akvaaerobiki, but that it is impossible to do or make any exercises on a stomach or belly, jumps, etc. is precisely. During ALL pregnancy, and not just in the beginning.
You cannot ask times the doctor, buy or purchase simply good book on pregnancy, there all is described. The pool is very well, but all the same you cannot do or make exercises level with nonpregnant. Try to talk even to the trainer that he knew, that you are pregnant and limited you in performance of any complex or difficult exercises.

23.06.2004, 09:28
The moderate exercise stresses at normal pregnancy are counter-indicative and have not an adverse effect on early durations of gestation. But it is a question of normal pregnancy as in some situations physical rest can be extremely necessary (for example, at threat of an abortion). Here, esteem clause or article: Akvaaerobika at pregnancy

Pregnant women to whom employment or occupations akvaaerobikoj are very useful require special references, but demand some care. Therefore it is expedient to consult with the doctor before starting them. In an initial stage of pregnancy it is possible to carry out the same exercises which have been included or have been switched on in a course akiaaerobiki up to pregnancy.
However from an average stage of pregnancy it is necessary to make changes to their list, intensity, quantity or amount of time spent in water.
Employment or Occupations in water allow women to relax and go balmy a strain from muscles to which should test an additional load. Carrying out exercises in water, the woman does not load joints, removes or takes out pressure upon muscles in the field of a basin and on a backbone.
Overall objective akvaaerobiki for pregnant women - not improvement of the physical form, and its or her maintenance at a good level. On deterioration the woman can borrow or occupy in trainings after a birth of the child, and here conservation of the normal physical form during all pregnancy will help or assist her to bear and give birth or take out and give birth to the healthy child without problems, and also quickly to be restored after sorts or labors.
In employment or occupations for pregnant women it is necessary to emphasize on augmentation of the general or common flexibility and improvement of possession by a body. In fact the main problem for the pregnant woman - malopodvizhnost. It is necessary to lower intensity of the movements raising or increasing a pulse rate, because a problem or task Pa this period - not augmentation of number of intimate or cardiac reductions, and a warming up of muscles.
Watch or Keep up that there were no sharp jumps of a blood pressure. It can occur or happen, if intensity of trainings will sharply accrue or increase. Try to change directions of movements smoothly, very slowly, to avoid loss of equilibrium. Carry out less extension, but try to do or make them with the maximal amplitude.
As much as possible strengthen muscles of a basin. For example, rise in water, naprjagite muscles of an anus and keep some their seconds in a strain then make a pause and again repeat. Watch or keep up, that respiration was not late.
Absolutely exclude from akvaaerobiki for the period of pregnancy of exercise for muscles of a stomach or belly. Reduce number of turns. As a leg use walls of pool more often. Place legs or foots for width of brachiums. It will allow you to save equilibrium, will save from falling and will lower a strain of muscles of a stomach or belly. Pay attention to a regenerative stage akvaaerobiki. Use exercises on a relaxation, enjoy water, music, do or make pauses for rest more often.

26.06.2004, 15:45
Sorry, a mistake or an error in the first offer:... Are not counter-indicative...