Просмотр полной версии : Whether pozhalujsto tell or say probably to interrupt pregnancy what or a preparation...

IRA 21
26.06.2004, 03:38
Whether pozhalujsto tell or say probably to interrupt pregnancy what either a preparation or national way on early terms (3 4 weeks of pregnancy) thus not resorting to mini to abortion, very much I am afraid. And more I am not so confident that beremennab the delay is (5 6 days) but all harbingers monthly are (a bottom of a stomach or belly of a pain, a breast too) whether can be that I because of nerves eto have inspired myself?

Oshchepkova S.R.
26.06.2004, 13:41
1. Hand over a blood or urine on HG - find out, whether there is a pregnancy. 2. To interrupt pregnancy it is better by means of mifegina or to make mini-abortion.