Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Has passed or has taken place 1, 5 years after a spontaneous abortion...

Natalia Jurevna Soboleva
26.06.2004, 06:36
The dear doctor! Has passed or has taken place 1, 5 years after a spontaneous abortion. And during this time pregnancy does not come. We with the husband very much experience. Every month with melancholy and hope we wait for a menses. To me of 25 years, a rhesus negative, the raised or increased pilosis. Handed over many analyses. Here some of data: Prolactinum 585, is raised or increased a hormone of adrenals. If could you answer my question.

Pasenjuk A.M.
26.06.2004, 11:00
You need to spend treatment because offensive or approach of pregnancy is possible or probable only on a background of preparations. Thus a negative rhesus not the reason of sterility or barrenness.