Просмотр полной версии : I now pass or take place course of treatment of infections, the doctor have told or said, what is it will cure and tsi...

25.06.2004, 00:42
I now pass or take place course of treatment of infections, the doctor have told or said, what is it will cure also a cystitis! While any improvement... .eshche I wish to ask, whether it is possible to apply suppositories betadin during monthly? And at me on sexual labiums, is closer to a urethra, the claret nonsense has jumped out, is similar to a wart, only whence it, I do not understand all!

25.06.2004, 07:40
Pappula is called (in the future a lues), run to hand over a blood. You have and gonokokk, and a Trichomonas. Only 12 sessions. And the chlamydia trahomus too is. It is not necessary koketnichat, it is a lot of at you. Change a life, differently to be treated it is useless.

26.06.2004, 09:40
In what sense to change a life??????