Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The first menses after sorts or labors has begun in 8 months, with pe...

25.06.2004, 04:08
Hello. The first menses after sorts or labors has begun in 8 months, from first day has started to accept mikroljut. The bleeding last 7 days then in a week the bleeding has again begun, last week, in day after okonchalija the bleeding of 2 weeks proceeding already has again opened. What is it and why? Whether Fashionably to begin reception Trikvilara right after terminations or endings mikroljuta? The Child I do not feed two weeks.

Soboleva L.I.
26.06.2004, 09:38
Hello! krovjanistye allocation on a background of reception mikroljuta happen enough often, it is a by-effect of a preparation. Whether it is possible for you to accept oral contraceptives and if yes what - the doctor after survey will solve.