Просмотр полной версии : Dear Maria Mihajlovna! Whether tell or say, please, it is necessary for me to do or make...

25.06.2004, 04:27
Dear Maria Mihajlovna!
Whether tell or say, please, it is necessary for me to do or make soskob if Uzi has shown: fibromatous 29* 20?? site, ehoneodnorodnyj endometry 11, in shejke cysts 4 10, 25-27 the right ovary. Whether probably all this to cure without operations?

Maljarskaja M.M.
26.06.2004, 05:25
11 mm - for what day of a cycle. perdelajte US after a menses and by results of endometrija. Well under complaints - esl suspicion on a hyperaplasia endometrija it is necessary. And if chronic endomterit - it is not necessary. The attending physician should solve it. A myoma not the indication for a currettage