Просмотр полной версии : Hello. A problem - secondary sterility or barrenness. In the past abortion (honey.) and sweat...

25.06.2004, 13:28
Hello. A problem - secondary sterility or barrenness. In the past abortion (honey.) And then the child without problems was born. From all history only two long cycles in the beginning of this year. The rest as on hours. I am now flied or treated in America. Hormones for 6 day of a cycle all in norm or rate. First of all to me have offered Klomid 50 mg 5 9 day of a cycle. Have checked up in these cycles Progesteronum - norm or rate. For 2 cycles pregnancy has not come or stepped. Then having arrived to Russia has made series Uzi (a cycle of the second after the last Klomidnogo). Uzi has shown, that all in norm or rate and any problems, but folikul grows, and the ovulation and has not occured or happened, though there is some liquid in pozadimatochnom space have seen and break of a capsule can nevertheless was. A polycystosis do not see. Especially skleropolikistoza. (In Russia in private or individual surgical clinic at me on Uzi have found out skleropolikistoz and gidrosalpings, have offered polostnyu operation, but other three doctors Uzi in other paid clinics have severely denied these diagnoses) Uzi with fizrastvorom has shown, that pipes are passed or taken place;passable both. Schedules of temperatures I make for a long time - under schedules the ovulation is, but rise of temperature by jumps and disciplines not above 37, and happens and 36.9. Any operations or infections sexual did not transfer or carry. Spermogramma the husband in norm or rate.... Now advice or council of the American doctor - EKO. And it on the first reception when I have acquainted it or him with the facts resulted or brought above. Speaks, that hormonal treatment only will take away money, and result can not be. And in general the laparoscopy if I nevertheless shall decide to try or taste that that, instead of EKO is necessary at least. For Eko has suggested to pay at once for 3 cycles but if there will be no result money will return. Well also what to do or make that? To Russia To be treated arrive with the husband I can not soon. Thanks.

Rabaev S.G.
26.06.2004, 02:38
IN my opinion up to EKO "conservative" methods are not settled or exhausted.