Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I have given birth one week ago, was epidural anastezija. During...

25.06.2004, 04:28
Hello! I have given birth one week ago, was epidural anastezija. During pregnancy was hron. pilonefrit. The temperature all the days long keeps, but she quickly accrues or increases and falls down, but not completely. Now she 37.8, criteria not under a breast, and, excuse, inserted into an anus. Whether there can be it result anastezii? Also what basically can give such temperature? A uterus looked in a maternity home, there that's all right. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
26.06.2004, 01:49
Anesthesia here at anything. At you either an endometritis, or a mastitis. Cause on the house obstetric fast. In such status without treatment to be to the puerpera it is dangerous.