Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out a cyst (3, 5 sm). Have told or said, that while we "shall treat", if it is not hollow...

22.06.2004, 15:52
In me have found out a cyst (3, 5 sm). Have told or said, that while we "shall treat", if it will not turn out, will remove. There it was still formed dyrochka and the liquid touches an abdominal cavity. How be to be treated or at once to delete?

Malanova T.B.
25.06.2004, 22:23
1. JAichnikovye educations happen functional, that is appear and pass or take place without any treatment! 2. Such concept as " it was formed dyrochka and the liquid touches an abdominal cavity " - does not exist. 3. While to treat it is necessary nothing. The control ultrasonic for 5 6 day of the next cycle is necessary.