Просмотр полной версии : At us related or congenerous marriage or spoilage (my grandfather and its or his grandmother - the native brother and the sister)....

Olga of Item
25.06.2004, 03:02
At us related or congenerous marriage or spoilage (my grandfather and its or his grandmother - the native brother and the sister). At me pregnancy of 7 weeks of pregnancy that us to expect in the further? Thanks.

Talanova E.J.
25.06.2004, 14:35
Dear Olga! If in a family tree there were no genetically caused diseases no special references - are present as the risk nenamnogo exceeds obshchepopuljatsionnyj. During with 15 for 20 week make " the triad test " - AFP + HGCH + a theelol, detailed US.