Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me was two unsuccessful attempts EKO. The size endometr...

24.06.2004, 18:54
Hello the doctor! At me was two unsuccessful attempts EKO. The size endometrija 7 mm. What measures can be undertaken for augmentation endometrija before following attempt EKO?

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.06.2004, 22:47
Probably exist enough sreznye the reasons as a result of which there is no implantation of an embryos. First of all speech can go about a pathology endometrija. To confirm or deny it is possible only after carrying out of a diagnostic hysteroscopy with the subsequent histological research endometrija.

25.06.2004, 12:01
Hello the doctor! During operations (laparotomy) to me did or made soskob of a cavity of the uterus. By results of a histology - " endometry phases of a proliferation of m. ts. " The doctor speaks, that endometry does not grow (during stimulation for EKO - 2 attempts) owing to long reception of antibiotics in early age (in 9 years a gunshot wound of the stomach or belly complicated by a peritonitis). I wish to learn or find out your opinion in this occasion, and whether any else researches endometrija are necessary?