Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna! I already wrote to you, that I passed or took place course of treatment h...

24.06.2004, 22:16
Dear Alla Mihajlovna! I already wrote to you, that I passed or took place course of treatment of a clamidiosis and excision kondillom. Now have received analyses of the husband (a tank. Crop and on a chlamydia (PTSR-a method)). The answer: chlamydias not obnaruzh., a tank. Flora: it is not visible, leucocytes 0 vizual., at a bacteriological method it is revealed golden stafilakokk which, by the way, revealed or taped and at me. The doctor has told or said, that results of the analysis testify to the beginning of "thrush" and has written out to the husband: a cream "triderm", tab. 5 NOK, capsules " Aj-plus ". Such preparation of vegetative structure " Aj-plus ", rendering protivovospvlitelnoe, imunno-modulating action and antiviral (as she has explained), I have not met in one database of medicines while the doctor has directed me behind its or his purchase to one of female consultations whom, probably, gde-that buys or purchases it or him. Its or his cost 500 rbl. for 60 kaps. On course of treatment 1 month. She has written out this preparation also to me (I was already treated from chlamydias, but have remained poor or scanty krovjanistye allocation after excision kondillom). My questions: whether really husband has not enough treatment by a cream "triderm" and tab. 5 NOK also it is necessary to buy such expensive preparation? Whether it is necessary to apply it or him and me (I combined excision kondillom with the second stage of treatment of a clamidiosis, therefore antibakter. I have already spent therapy)? What could you advise to have a drink to me before curing a combustion in a vagina (in itself were formed treshchinki and they bleed) that the infection has not got? How it is treated golden stofilakokk and how much or as far as he is dangerous?

Pasenjuk A.M.
25.06.2004, 05:54
1. Probably, " AJ-plus " otnositjas to alimentary additives, also is not a necessary component of treatment.
2. I consider or count, that you as do not require this preparation.
3. For epitalizatsii vaginas it is better to use a cream "solkoseril" or "aktovegin" or "levomekol" on a napkin to put to sore points or some times in day to grease (by the way, levomekol well heals a wound and interferes with a becoming infected)
4. The golden staphilococcus can cause chronic inflammatory processes, the secondary complications, many children's illnesses or diseases. Is better to not treat it or him "at random", and to do or make definition chuvstvietlnosti to preparations or to use a bacteriophage in current of 10 days (after greater or big doses of antibiotics if remains stafilokoko a bacteriophage - an optimum variant)