Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. I in a breast have fibroadenomas. I handed over a blood on all...

21.06.2004, 01:37
The dear doctor. I in a breast have fibroadenomas. I handed over a blood on all onkomarkery, on hormones: Prolactinum, Oestradiolum, Progesteronum. All in norm or rate. Whether it is possible to exclude an oncology on the basis of these analyses? It is necessary to hand over what analyses still?

Smirnov D.R.
24.06.2004, 17:47
What oncology? The fibroadenoma is and there is an oncology, a good-quality tumour, it students 3 courses of medical HIGH SCHOOLS, the truth not know everything, that follows from its or her name, and it is not necessary any foolish onkomarkerov and hormones to hand over.