Просмотр полной версии : Heard, that in the first weeks of pregnancy are possible or probable monthly, (" false mesjach...

16.06.2004, 20:35
Heard, that in the first weeks of pregnancy are possible or probable monthly, (" false monthly " as doctors) but they poor or scanty, not such name as it is usual. Whether it is dangerous?

The anonym
17.06.2004, 21:50
No because at many berennyh the first months monthly go as hours. For example my mum monthly had first three months, and many such cases are known. As they say, the fetus is washed.

20.06.2004, 06:36
I read literally one of these days on mariamm. ru, that the concept " a fetus is washed " it is banal threat of an abortion. So if pregnancy is and are observed krovjanistye allocation let and in days prospective monthly nelishne to make secure with vrachem.

24.06.2004, 04:07
And the test after such false monthly positive or too can be negative????

24.06.2004, 12:10
Anja, do not frighten the girl, such happens at many, and
It does not mean at all that threat, doctors are always reinsured