Просмотр полной версии : Please, explain whence coccuses (-to mine, strepto can undertake in a smear...

23.06.2004, 02:35
Please, explain whence coccuses (-to mine, streptococcuses) can undertake in a smear and that with them to do or make.
Have been found out on a background of erosion and polyps, were treated longly. JUnidoks, any ointment (it seems, levomekol), Trichopolum, then dalatsin. Provocation, crops was done or made - the infection is not found out. Has helped or assisted only piobakteriofag - after it or him there was a good smear, polyps, then erosion kriodesturktsiej at once have been removed. In a month after all the smear has again shown these coccuses. Within 3 months during treatment and up to a smear of contacts was not.
Infinite problems, the doctor makes a helpless gesture. From a hopelessness appoints or nominates narine and consultation of the immunologist.
What to do or make?

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.06.2004, 11:05
In general - that coccuses can be present at a smear at the woman, a living sexual life in a small amount, tk otnosjatsja to uslovno-to pathogenic flora, live on a skin and the mucous person and treatment only in case of inflammatory process and corresponding or meeting complaints demand. Therefore if now nothing disturbs you, there is no leukocytosis in a smear and to treat nothing it is necessary.