Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! To me 24 years, did not give birth or travail... In the extremity or end of June the polyp shejk has been removed...

20.06.2004, 05:31
Zdrastvujte! To me 24 years, did not give birth or travail... In the extremity or end of June the polyp shejki uteruses has been removed and the currettage of the cervical channel is made. Before operation it has been made by US, it in a uterus has not shown polyps. Patologgistologicheskoe research has yielded following results: 1. fibrozno-a glandular polyp of the cervical channel with a vascular leg or pinch (one kus ser-a bur of color rozr 10, 5) 2. In soskobe tserv. The channel particles endometrija phases of a proliferation (It is illegibly written, can and am mistaken in this word), sites fibrozno-a glandular polyp endometrija are found out (has died. soskob ser-a bur) the Endocrinologist has registered to me following treatment: Djufaston on 1 2 times a day with 14 for 25 day menstr. A cycle within 6 months. I did not hand over any additional analyses (I mean on a hormonal background, etc.) . Me excites, that hormonal tablets though analyses any it has not been taken are registered. And more it would be desirable to learn or find out the nature of occurrence of polyps? Whether it is possible to combine hormonal treatment for prophylaxis of repeated occurrence of polyps with reception OK? In advance I thank for the answer

Malanova T.B.
24.06.2004, 03:18
1. You repeat. I already responded you. 2. You should do or make a separate diagnostic currettage. As on a histology you have also a polyp endometrija. 3. polipy-displays of chronic inflammatory process, therefore, hormonal therapy not always helps or assists. Antibacterial therapy, a physiotherapy is necessary.