Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please, and it is obligatory to do or make the analysis of a blood on anomaly of development...

13.06.2004, 20:40
Tell or Say, please, and it is obligatory to do or make the analysis of a blood on anomaly of development? How much he costs or stands? What to it or him;them obligatory indications?
At me such impression, that I vrachiha simply wishes to untwist me on money.: (((

16.06.2004, 11:46
Vo-the first this analysis is done or made after US. If the doctor at US finds out any deviations or rejections appoint or nominate the analysis of a blood. This analysis do or make during the certain period of pregnancy. At me nebylo any "-" pokazanej at US, but I have wanted to hand over this analysis (AFP and HGCH). I handed over it or him in podmoskove and have paid about 400 roubles. In Moscow, I think, will be more dear or expensive.

17.06.2004, 05:49
If you mean alfa-feto-proteins (AFP) in mine ZHK he is considered (ordinariest) obligatory and and free-of-charge. I zdavala platno because to me have advised to make the "expanded" genetic analysis - AFP + HGCH for revealing 98 % genetich. Diseases (I repeat, I paid for it at own will 360 r.).

21.06.2004, 04:43
Is obligatory skriningovye researches. The majority of them free-of-charge. If there find out any deviations or rejections, further direct or refer on additional researches (most likely already platno). But you should remember, what is it in your interests and in interests of your future child. If you do not trust the doctor, it is better to find other doctor.

23.06.2004, 22:19
On US on 14 oh to week have told or said, that all is normal. No awful hereditary diseases (well except for Diabetum at the husband - but same it is not lethal, IMHO) are present either at me, or at the husband. And it is US I did or made under own initiative, t. To. The doctor from ZHK has told or said, that US on 21 oh to week only to do or make.
And that analysis on which she has directed, precisely paid, she has given a direction in honey. The center, where all analyses paid.