Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At mepja after the first sorts or labors there was an erosion shejki uteruses. Through 5 le...

20.06.2004, 20:05
Hello! At mepja after the first sorts or labors there was an erosion shejki uteruses. In 5 years iz-for contact bleedings, before the second pregnancy treated at the gynecologist. After the second sorts or labors she was again formed. Vrach on the basis of survey... In a crowd (I do not remember precisely names) has told or said that onkoproblemy is not present, even by means of a mirror has shown my erosion, simply pink maculae. At me since the earliest childhood very plentiful allocation of white color without a smell and an itch. Did or made provocation and a passive - ureoplazma, except for that the analysis of a blood has shown the chronic form of viruses of a herpes, a clamidiosis and a cytomegalovirus. We want one more child. How to be? From what izbavljatsja first of all to not do much harm to the kid? What to do or make with erosion. Thanks in advance.

21.06.2004, 01:55
serosiei nichego ne delat, esli PAP masok normalnyi i colposkopicheskoe obsledovanie normalnoe. Erosia eto ne diagnos i opasnosti ne predstavlyaet. Esli IgG herpesa polozhitelnye i simptomov net - lechit ne nado, vo vsyakom sluchae esli net proyavlenii herpesa (bolesneeeye pusyrki iyasvochki) Herpes polnostiu ne vylechivaetsya, lechat v osnovnom pervoe proiyavlenie i inogda predotvrashaiut vspyshki. Cytomegalovirus polozhitelnyi eto horosho - ne saboleete vo vremya beremennosti.
Kakoi analis vsyali na chlamidiiu? Eto ne virus, trebuiet lechenia hotya bu ras, no antitela mogut ostavatsya. S ureaplasmoi vam podskazhet kto-nibud drugoi - nikogda ne lechila. Teoreticheski mozhet privodit k povushennomu risku rannih vykidyshei. No esli u vas yzhe dvazhdy proshli normalnyi beremennosti i rody, a vydeleniya s detstva - vryad li eto vash sluchai. Tak chto esli vy nichego ne upustili v rasskase - prolechila bu ya chlamidiyiu makrolidami - eritromicin ili Zithromax i muzha tozhe (esli nikogda ne lechili) A vo vremya beremennosti i rodov - proverila nalichie prisnakov recediva gerpesa.

Savchenko A.A.
22.06.2004, 09:09
Etozija - collective concept. First of all it is necessary to exclude an oncologic pathology, to take a smear on a cytology and to make a biopsy (if necessary). Even if the oncologic pathology will not appear at is long existing "erosion" as treatment is shown. She it is simple so does not arise, there are certain reasons which in due course can lead to development of a tumour.

23.06.2004, 17:56
MANY THANKS! YOU HAVE very much helped or assisted me! _ SUCH CLOSE or ATTENTIVE DOCTORS! THANKS!