Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte. I the whole year was treated for a ureaplasma, sexual communications or connections at all and...

22.06.2004, 23:03
Zdrastvujte. I the whole year was treated for a ureaplasma, sexual communications or connections at all had no. To me have appointed or nominated huge quantity or amount of antibiotics in a combination with oksigrissantom. I chuvstvietlna to everything, but helped or assisted nothing. As a result one and a half month ago to me have made ozonotherapy without antibiotics. I through 20 after its or her termination or ending have made analiz-again positive. But the doctor has told or said, what is it too rano-that else there were antibodies and it is necessary to wait, that one more cycle has passed or has taken place. I have handed over the analysis still through polmesjatsa and he for the first time was negative. The smear too was good. Whether is it a guarantee of what I am healthy? At me were allocation and till now they are.

Malanova T.B.
23.06.2004, 15:00
The ureaplasmosis - uslovno-pathogenic flora so it is not necessary from it or her so usilenno to be treated. If smears on flora pure or clean if there are no complaints, it is not necessary to accept antibiotics.