Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I already addressed with a question one and a half weeks ago, but the answer and n...

22.06.2004, 04:55
The doctor, I already addressed with a question one and a half weeks ago, but the answer and have not received. At visit to the gynecologist the smear on flora has been taken and is unexpected both for me and for the doctor inflammatory process in a vagina was found out. Have taken analyses on ZPPP - all purely or cleanly. As a result without dop. Researches have been diagnosed a bacteriemic or bacterial colpitis and suppositories Makmiror a complex are registered. But in fact the bacterium the originator has not been revealed... As in your opinion, whether it is necessary to begin treatment or all taki to insist on dop. Research? I shall be very grateful for the answer, and that a preparation has bought or purchased, and to be treated in any way I shall not risk. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
23.06.2004, 08:06
On smears on flora it is possible to reveal a banal colpitis, that at you and have revealed. So the local treatment, appointed or nominated to you, correct.