Просмотр полной версии : Hello!! At me one more day up to a prospective delay. I very much h...

14.06.2004, 22:53
At me one more day up to a prospective delay. I very much want the child.
The stomach or belly hurts as before monthly more weeks that earlier never was, but a breast not such morbid as should be. From time to time very much toshnit, especially on smells in marshrutke. From time to time very strongly I wish to eat, and when I attempt, again begins toshnit... I have any hope that I, nakonets-that, zaberemenla... Though I understand, that else early about something to speak... In advance thanks...

17.06.2004, 23:16
Time is a delay, means it is possible to do or make the test for pregnancy safely

19.06.2004, 11:05
I do not wish to upset you, but sometimes signs can be inspired to myself and they really will appear. Suffer this day and make the test (better at once three) in necessarily morning and all will rise on the places. And the hope, certainly, is and should be always!!! I wish your of good luck and zdorovenkogo the kid!!!!

23.06.2004, 07:38
I too had all as at you! Too the stomach or belly early began to hurt or be ill;be sick and there were all sensations, as before monthly... And already 25 nedelka!:) it seems to Me, at All of you it should turn out! Success!