Просмотр полной версии : Never was in ZHK on a residence, it was always observed at private or individual vra...

13.06.2004, 11:19
Never was in ZHK on a residence, it was always observed at the private or individual doctor. Now I am pregnant and I wish to be observed in Institute of Obstetrics, but there do not take without a metabolic map. Who can will explain how more quickly to receive this map, I in it or this understand nothing. Whether can in ZHK at the first visiting give this metabolic map or there still it is necessary to hand over any analyses? Prompt, please!

14.06.2004, 22:36
Metabolic map give in 30 weeks in ZHK

18.06.2004, 20:55
I am observed is private or individual in the same Institute of Obstetrics (but I shall give birth or I shall travail the truth in other place), there me the doctor and absolutely arranges that I do not sit in turns on analyses. And in zh/to at a maternity home too it began to be observed with 4 go month for a tick how to be spoken, t. e. For a metabolic map, it is simple if you do not have metabolic map (and there all history of pregnancy with analyses, etc. is going to) you will put in 2 j unit a sort. Such prospect hardly will please houses where bring the women "not checked up" on health, including and vagabonds, so the map is necessary., and what analyses there to hand over in ZHK will tell or say, I from my private or individual observation of analyses have more than it is required to them, but to me so is quieter.

20.06.2004, 21:36
How much or As far as I have understood most likely it is necessary to be observed and in ZHK for a tick and in institute of Obstetrics. I have correctly understood?

20.06.2004, 23:29
So I also do or make. to. In zhk, observation me we shall softly tell or say does not arrange, I come they me will weigh, pressure will measure, will ask, as my business or affairs and analyses appoint or nominate a little, for example gemostaziogrammu which it is necessary to look in dynamics or changes, they consider or count that in the second trimester it is not necessary to do or make every month, only after 30., or I was hurted or was ill;was sick with a back, they without special vnikany have appointed or nominated a calcium, though then mine the doctor in the center to me has popularly explained, that by results of biochemistry of my blood of a calcium at me more than suffices and is necessary kidneys to check how has then appeared there was a time or temporary problem with a ureter. In general zhk at me only for a tick, and in institute I though for myself am quiet t. To. The approach there that which is pleasant to me.

22.06.2004, 21:28
And how much is observation in Institute of Obstetrics?