Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Yesterday have told or said, that heart at the child is not listened. Term...

natalia 25 years
22.06.2004, 01:31
Yesterday have told or said, that heart at the child is not listened. Term of 6 weeks, and it at me the second stood pregnancy, I simply killed. Cleaning will do or make only in a week, so to say, by turns. I live abroad. Whether would like to learn or find out strongly harmfully to have cleaning in a week? And more one incident, during all week there were pains on the left party or side, now they have amplified up to such degree that it is necessary to accept strong obezbolevajushchie tablets. On US have told or said, what is it the cyst and she bleeds, as have assumed, what is it and there was the reason a gauging. Pregnancy. Will do or make also laporoskopiju on following weeks together with chiskoj. Tell or say please why the cyst began to bleed, causing these or it;this awful pains and how she is dangerous to me and what it is necessary to do or make? Whether I can stretch till next week? Whether she will burst? Doctors here do not give a full clarification, and it is difficult to understand still to me another's tongue, .ja is simple in despair. Respond, please, to my questions. Yours faithfully, Natalia.

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.06.2004, 16:41
Basically it is not harmful, that only in a week the currettage will be executed. More dangerously now the status of an oothecoma - me is complex or difficult to assume the reason krovotochenija, most likely it is a question of a torsion of a leg or pinch of a cyst and disturbance of its or her delivery. At increase of pains it is necessary to address in first aid. About the reasons neorazvivajushchejsja pregnancy I can tell or say the following - the oothecoma often causes disturbance of a fetation. But I cannot exclude now as extrauterine beermennost.