Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say please in what results or brings errozija shejki uteruses and how much or as far as...

21.06.2004, 22:45
The doctor, tell or say please in what results or brings errozija shejki uteruses and it is how much fast neobhodio to treat this illness or disease? Also tell or say pozhalusta, it is possible to cure this illness or disease not a method of cauterization, and any medicinal preparations? In advance thanks!

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.06.2004, 12:56
Erosion shejki uteruses can zlokachetsvenno regenerate, the control (the cytologic smear and a colposcopy) therefore is required. Medicinal preparations now it is possible to treat tolok dishormonal erosions.