Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! For treatment of a mycoplasma besides antibiotics the gynecologist has appointed or nominated...

21.06.2004, 20:45
Good afternoon! For treatment of a mycoplasma besides antibiotics the gynecologist has appointed or nominated to me vaginalnuju ointment "Ermetrovagil", and after treatment for restoration of a microflora of a vagina - laktobatsilgel. These preparations can be got only immediately at the doctor. I have taken an interest in drugstores, but anywhere the given medicines are not known. You could give me consultation on this question.

Pasenjuk A.M.
22.06.2004, 11:29
About "ermetrovagile" anything unfortunately I shall not tell or say. Laktobatsilgel is the gel containing laktobakterii. Its or his analogues - atsilakt, laktobakterin, bifidumbakterin - these forms are on sale in drugstores.